Sunday 27 November 2016

Get Fruity

Now Baby A is over ten months old, we are well into weaning. It's going pretty well so far. It turns out he is totally NOT an advocate of baby lead weaning, not when there is a mummy present who will spoon feed him with very little effort on his part. And despite putting anything and everything in his mouth when we are not at the dinner table, he seems oddly reluctant to do finger food himself. Strange! But if someone else puts the effort in to feed him, he will attack almost everything with gusto. We've tried fruit and veg, fish and meat, bread, porridge (so much porridge), yogurt, cheese and all sorts of things. So all in all I'm calling it good progress so far.

After porridge, I think Baby A's all time favourite foods are fruit. Fruity porridge is practically Nirvana for him. My latest onesie design is fruit themed inspired by Baby A's love of all things fruity.

fruit baby onesie

fruit onesie

I have a craving for pineapples now...

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